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We Are Facing An Attention Crisis: What Is Driving Our Distracted Minds?

Prof. Larry D. Rosen

Dr. Rosen has been studying the impact of technology since the early 1980s and has seen our world become more complex and distracting due to three game changers: (1) the World Wide Web, (2) Smartphones, and (3) Social Media. He has studied more than 100,000 teens, millennials and members of Generation X in the United States and in 22 other countries. His latest book, “The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World” (co-authored with Adam Gazzaley, MD, Ph.D.; MIT Press, 2016), won the PROSE Award for neuroscience in 2016. Dr. Rosen’s talk will include a look at research in his lab and others that will focus on “what” people are doing with their technology; “why” they do it from the viewpoint of psychology, neuroscience and marketing; and “how” we can help people enhance their relationships with this omnipresent technology focusing on well-being, attention and focus, sleep and communication.