Dr. Rosen has been studying the impact of technology since the early 1980s and has seen our world become more complex and distracting due to three game changers: (1) the World Wide Web, (2) Smartphones, and (3) Social Media. He has studied more than 100,000 teens, millennials and members of Generation X in the United States and in 22 other countries. His latest book, “The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World” (co-authored with Adam Gazzaley, MD, Ph.D.; MIT Press, 2016), won the PROSE Award for neuroscience in 2016. Dr. Rosen’s talk will include a look at research in his lab and others that will focus on “what” people are doing with their technology; “why” they do it from the viewpoint of psychology, neuroscience and marketing; and “how” we can help people enhance their relationships with this omnipresent technology focusing on well-being, attention and focus, sleep and communication.